Twas a majestic sight to say the least. they either fall out the sides or the top. using a bamboo steamer for the first time So now, I never leave home without the cord to connect to my phone. I hope they hold up for at least a few months if not longer because at this price it would be well worth the money! using a bamboo steamer for the first time Great cotton swabs. using a bamboo steamer for the first time A key (😉) request would be for Logitech to either find a way to also light these symbols or use a brighter colour for the symbol itself. Don’t get me wrong, they’re really nice small pumps and I’m not one to wear heels as much. I had to really maneuver things to make them fit. using a bamboo steamer for the first time Cheap looking and the bar comes detached from the hangers easily. I have had that happen with a different pair.
using a bamboo steamer for the first time