Not going to work for us since we live in hot Arizona. I bought them for going back and forth to swim lessons in the winter which is why I chose the fuzzy on the inside so they are a little warmer than the regular crocks. ps6883663 Shoes are just as cute in person! Man(kind) has always known right from wrong. ps6883663 Overall very pleased with my purchase! ps6883663 It’s well enough made but its limitations, realized now that I’ve had it for a month or so, outweigh the reason I purchased it. I bought this for my work and thought to use this on my flights as well. The quality is great, absolutely nothing wrong with these baby’s. ps6883663 Die weibliche Hauptrolle wird mit Naomi Rapace hervorragend gespielt. I complained about the battery life in my original review, but after extensive usage, the battery lasts long enough for a full day of usage, and maybe then some.