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Love these for everyday walking shoes. I purchased this item based on the reviews here.
prestige stove automatic You do hear all the bass lines down to 20hz which is what I want in a pair of headphones. After trying several attempts to correct it, I came back, read more reviews and saw an overwhelming amount of reviews saying the exact same thing - dont waste your money.
prestige stove automatic Posso dire che la qualità del prodotto è davvero ottima, mi piace come è aderente allorecchio, si ascolta una qualità maggiore del suono, si ascoltano bassi profondi, chiarezza dei suoni e poi non si sente nulla dai suoni esterni.
prestige stove automatic They not stay on the place. Not a big deal, but then it started more and more frequent, and I heard the connection/disconnection noise too often. Good quality, great colour, good fit
prestige stove automatic This is one of his favorite shirts. It should be said if youre buying these as a cheap way to listen to Britney Spears on your iPhone youre not going to be impressed, these are studio headphones, or monitors, they give a pretty flat response, they do this so we can hear an accurate representation of whats being laid down, what you hear thru these is essentially how the track sounds before you add your salt and peeper (Bass & treble) So if youre one of the bright peppy sound brigade Id likely stick to something from the apple store
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