Issues: NonePros: InexpensiveGood Battery LifeGood SoundCons: A little loose for me. Mint condition, perfect size and the screw fit perfectly without the tape for the Blackout Yeti Microphone. nice mixer grinder Do not slip in water and stay right to feet. I understand they want it to fit without being too large, but there is just way too much room on the sides. nice mixer grinder It "fails" every time though, when the streaming is interrupted or during buffering, or any skip of sound like that. nice mixer grinder So the next best thing is to buy these ear cleaners in bulk. Great Mic! I decided to wear it under a loose waist trainer and all I did was some short exercises and danced most of the night for fun and OMG when I went to take it off it was like a flush of water pouring out I was really shocked. nice mixer grinder The noise cancelling foam is, in fact, noise cancelling and comfortable. Which is still long enough that my toes dont hit the end.
nice mixer grinder