Leider hat sich eines der kleinen Häkchen, dass das seitliche Leder an der Brille hält nach etwa 3 Wochen verbogen, wodurch das Leder nun nicht mehr an der Brille hält - damit ist sie im Grunde eine "normale" Brille, die man auch um 20€ irgendwo bekommt. Ive worn rainbows since i was in middle school and ive always loved the sandals. ghetto gastro waffle maker Works good and sounds good. Comfort and style are important and these have both. ghetto gastro waffle maker I put mine up with large command picture hanging strips and it worked perfectly. ghetto gastro waffle maker I looked online to see if others had this problem and sure enough its common. They are great for just lounging around the house. We bought 1/2 size larger, and they fit him well. ghetto gastro waffle maker I am typically a 9 or 9. My cats love them.
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