Upon taking it out of the box, it clearly had been previously returned from someone else - all hardware was in a zip lock bag (except for the hardware that was still in the unit! I ADORE these shoes. downdraft gas cooktop 30 stainless steel To me this quality is unacceptable but maybe others wouldnt mind. the top and bottom pieces do not fit together snugly. downdraft gas cooktop 30 stainless steel In conclusion, buy these! downdraft gas cooktop 30 stainless steel I ordered it on November 14, and just now received it today, November 20. I would like to add that the customer service desk gave me a speedy refund and offered a free replacement of one of their other models and that was greatly appreciated! I charge the device every night. downdraft gas cooktop 30 stainless steel Just go to rainbowsandals. The shipping protection is four measly pieces of styrofoam that do not stay in place during shipping.
downdraft gas cooktop 30 stainless steel