It was very cheaply made and broke immediately so I sent back for a refund. If you have strong angles give them a try hiking in them. conair gs237 If you have a very flat roof then great, if not then I dont suggest you buy it. It looks just as pictured. conair gs237 And you’ll just have a bunch of beads. conair gs237 The blades are longer than hire skates as well as sharper but much better to control once you get used to them. I thought it would be more spread out and more spacious for my needs. )- Sound for keyboard too sharp and punctuated (like a POPPING sound), and is too loud (it irritates my ears), and should ideally be softer/muted and lower-pitched (Apple does a good job with their sound). conair gs237 Donc modèle à fuir si vous avez les pieds fins. I need the rack to carry two 44 pound kayaks.
conair gs237