Secures boards down well but not theft proof. Ive tried several other brands Ill stick with beats. compact side by side refrigerator freezer Basically, anything "after-gym" related, running errands while looking good, and house stuff that involves me walking outside. This is a heavy duty bike lock. compact side by side refrigerator freezer good price but to fragile. compact side by side refrigerator freezer Really good quality for a reasonable price. sexy Bass. One fits slightly looser than the other (ironically it seems to be the opposite of the one of my feet that has always been slightly bigger than the other) but Im satisfied and will enjoy wearing them this summer. compact side by side refrigerator freezer My makita saw runs smoothly down the rails, and the guide rail clamps work just fine with itA few things to note:The extrusions do not line up with the Makita rails, so when I tried to connect these to a Makita rail, the saw came to a stop at the joint (I will try to upload photos later). i returned them, and purchased s new pair.
compact side by side refrigerator freezer