Which personally, I think these should come in half sizes, but what do I know? The 10 was JUST too big, and the 9 would be JUST too small. or maybe you like the look of the corded phones of yester-year because they throw a coiled cord in there too! clean inside of dryer - If the correct size is decphered, Id say theyd be about perfect for shower-shoes - and for "around-the-house" slip-ons to make concrete or tile floors less jarring. Instructions looked like a dog ate them (I think caused by damaged box also), but were hard to follow anyways. clean inside of dryer an sich ok, aber die sind schwer und groß. clean inside of dryer Music sounds ok. The instructions were also very easy to read and it was pretty easy to assemble. It really stays on well. clean inside of dryer I decided to give up after that. I originally bought this for a second PC but I ended up liking it so much I replaced my Corsair K70 as the keyboard for my main PC.
clean inside of dryer