On that NOTE, do to the snug (yet very comfortable) fit, they are VERY loud (got painful trying to test the higher frequencies) and maintains it without distortion at the higher volumes. It is pure pleasure to hear all the different ranges of sounds emitting from the attractive in ear pieces which can be taken as being customised to the individuals ears. chef xl kvl40 Not so bad though. Feels sturdy but would definitely reinforce all the screws. chef xl kvl40 I ordered two pairs of these flip flops, both size 12 (my normal shoe size is 11. chef xl kvl40 I have wasted SO much money on shoes and spent even MORE on routine pedicures or reflexology to deal with the weekly soreness. They are the best flip flops on the market. Cable looks and feels nice and durable but the connections between the wire and the earphone connection male port are utter garbage. chef xl kvl40 I will actually be able to eat big and still look hot. I will say they were great to walk around in with swollen postpartum feet!
chef xl kvl40