The length of these sandals is perfect, however, it was EXTREMELY tight around the straps, to the point of being painful the first couple hours of being used. said the brown was dark enough! chef elite xl kvl6330s Ill update this review with whether that worked or not. Its an extension cord, yes, it extends your outlets 6 ft! chef elite xl kvl6330s But you cant expect too much from it. chef elite xl kvl6330s For example, if you run in a trail, you will not hear the sounds of birds chirping or grass rustling but you will hear cyclists behind you motioning their position to you as you run. Long story short they say I can order the part from them for $9 . I bought two and have them behind our bedroom door attached to an ikea tall cabinet I have. chef elite xl kvl6330s As pictured! My first pair has lasted ten years.
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