For the price and looks, you cant go wrong with these shoes. I returned these because after less than 3 weeks the ear buds would not sync to each other and could only be used independently. 230 impro roy 3s sapphire hibiscus the mercy clogs i have been wearing going on 3 years now with everyday use and still bottoms are not worn down. I was also doubtful of the thinness of them, they are really thin and I thought they would break upon trying to install them on the AirPods. 230 impro roy 3s sapphire hibiscus Little tight at toes when walking but barely have them broken in. 230 impro roy 3s sapphire hibiscus Don’t buy, should be 50p on wish. They didnt run or blister since the material is soft and the heel is a slip proof wedge. I loved the book and the entire series, I really liked how he finished everything up. 230 impro roy 3s sapphire hibiscus After using it for a few hours the past two days, Im happy to say that my ears are no longer feeling that pain from prolonged use and that the ear cushions are fairly comfortable. Súper lentes hermosos !
230 impro roy 3s sapphire hibiscus