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These are shoes you can wear almost anywhere with anything and they are very comfortable. Very uncomfortable and sending them back zoekmachine optimalisatie scan UPDATE: I found by walking around in these crocs for a few more times. I couldnt have worn any smaller, or the shoes wouldve been too short. zoekmachine optimalisatie scan This fit all my needs perfectly. zoekmachine optimalisatie scan So comfy just perfect not at all sweaty. It turns out which allows the clothes to not get mixed together which allows the clothes to dry better and faster. They are really cute with both dresses and jeans. zoekmachine optimalisatie scan It’s pretty sweet. Does that sound like Birkenstocks definition of comfort? Do you enjoy blood coming out of your arches? Do you want to be tortured with every single step? Is it possible those reviews I read that said these arent really Birks and that people were being fooled were right after all?Okay, I thought as I wiped the blood off and wrapped my foot in gauze.
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