For me, the trade-off to preserve a good bass response is worth it. I have 3 pair of large mens boots on top and a collection of sneakers and hiking shoes underneath. yeezy l It required a big hammer to line up some of the bolt holes and was missing a few bolts. Would I purchase them again? Of course not, want to return them but too lazy to do so and for the price point I guess I will keep them as my spare earbuds yeezy l The fit seems ok. yeezy l & after 3 consecutive days of wearing this waist trainer for 8 hours EACH DAY, I am already down to the second set of clips! I like that I can push instead of tap when I want to pause. 99$ pair of slippers. yeezy l I could easily put a finger between my foot and the strap. Alle Knöpfe lassen sich gut erreichen und haben, abgesehen vom Mausrad, einen guten Druckpunkt.
yeezy l