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Ive had these flip flops for less than 6 months, and I only wear them occasionally. El hecho que sean anti-enredos [porque el cable es plano más que redondo] es un plus porque yo SIEMPRE los enredo al meterlos al bolsillo del pantalón, pero ahora no causa mayor problema. tek gear moletom com capuz plus size I havent tried to damage it but it feels like its the same rugged material on my Sony cameras. Not the smartest construction design. tek gear moletom com capuz plus size You know those plastic princess heels they sell in the dress-up section for little girls? They felt like that, but taller. tek gear moletom com capuz plus size But a soft rubber. MATERIALEil materiale è silicone morbido, da tendere prima dellapplicazione, che non ha dato problemi. They arent showing any signs of coming down. tek gear moletom com capuz plus size THERES NO NEW ONES, everything is refurbished. I called my carrier and I was told it would not work in the USA because it is an international phone.
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