Der Tragecomfort des Steelseries ist hervorragend, kein Drücken mehr auf dem Kopf, das weiche Skibrillenband legt sich gleichmäßig auf den Kopf. And stick with genuine Sennheiser earpads - Ive tried many of the "generics", and I can tell you from experience that only Sennheiser earpads restore the sound quality to its former glory. spidi back & chest I use it for sleeping, so I can listen to white noise in order to block out the noise of snoring around me. I still deducted a star because they dont have as much arch support as other models that I have had. spidi back & chest Waiting to see if the third party vendor will refund the return shipping costs. spidi back & chest Ive used it 4 times so far and my heavy bike was secure for several hours. Deswegen bekommt man auch den ordentlichen Sound. Eventually the mrs gave in and tried these black ones. spidi back & chest Because theyre "Beats" not "Apple" youve gotta ship them off instead of exchanging at a local Apple store. I highly recommend this as an alternative to the manufacturer one, and at a fraction of the cost.
spidi back & chest