Auch mit der Ziel-Taste konnte ich nichts anfangen weil sie (für mich) zu weit vom Daumen entfernt liegt. I have been looking on line to find a suitable replacement by a different company and found this. relógio inteligente smartwatch iwo 12 pro android ios 40mm Well, no surprise: after just a few uses my daughter complained about audio being wrong and indeed the sound was coming in one ear only (and you had to jiggle the jack connector to even get that feeble sound. This was just what I needed and the sound quality is so good, I was so amazed. relógio inteligente smartwatch iwo 12 pro android ios 40mm The first pair lasted the entire school year and got a little beat up, but they could still be worn, so when she outgrew them I bought another pair and they fit great, she wears them everyday with no problems and she says they are pretty. relógio inteligente smartwatch iwo 12 pro android ios 40mm However its difficult to know just how big until you try them on. I got some off brand ones at another store before much cheaper and didnt ever have this problem with them. I wear 7 1/2 to 8 and ordered the 8 and it fits perfect. relógio inteligente smartwatch iwo 12 pro android ios 40mm Normal voice conversations have a tendency to cut out here and there if the person youre talking to changes their voice volume up and down a lot. If it does get out of range, it doesnt shut off, but immediately reconnects when in range.
relógio inteligente smartwatch iwo 12 pro android ios 40mm