Thoroughly discouraged with this purchase. They look a lot better on his feet than the Reefs, IMO, because they are wider and surround his whole foot. patagonia down sweater outdoor gear lab The strap over the foot seems snug, but not constricting and seems like it will stretch over time. You need to buy an additional kit to fit it on the factory tracks (which adds to the already expensive cost). patagonia down sweater outdoor gear lab The light on the head phone lasted for an hour and then stopped working. patagonia down sweater outdoor gear lab Super easy to install, I got them for my brothers beats since his ear pads where ripped. For all of that I could stand to be a little cheaper but it’s nice and doesn’t take up a lot of space. I had originally paid under $13 for these, and damned if I was going to go up to $15- 16- $20 ?! patagonia down sweater outdoor gear lab Its one thing to have a cast member or two that are utterly unlikeable, but five out of the six? No bueno. ----I used my previous Blackbeat FIT almost daily for two years until my backpack was stolen with it inside.
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