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If you going to use this on your mp3 player, tablet or phone I think youll be fine. These earbuds seem to meet all my criteria so far, in my having used them for a week.
gshock atacado A bit bigger than I expected, but it should work for my purposes. Usually around twice a year depending on the sale, these go for 40 bucks per pop here on amazon.
gshock atacado I bought mine on Amazon from Acoustic Sound Design, and they are listed on JBLs authorized seller list, as are several others.
gshock atacado The color has held up well and it isnt fading or rubbing off anywhere. 5 years completed still its as usual , technically its costly & now they are not ready to even repair itYou can see difference between the product symbol1 Blue original from showroom2 black duplicate from Amazon With a pencil mark where the holes are on your wall.
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