The footbed is incredibly comfortable. EL cuero puede rayarse facilmente gant tech prep pique It works but the sound quality is a little poor. I bought these when i became a swim meet official for Gulf Swimming and all the other refs had on the hideous shoes, the look and comfort of these is stellar and a lot of the other refs all asked me where i got my shoesThese are amazing! gant tech prep pique It requires assembly, but all the parts are intelligently organized and clearly labeled -- so much so that I comfortably read my audiobook while putting it together (though, oops, there was a piece left over. gant tech prep pique Pedí la horma B pensando que sería más ancha pero en la caja dice B narrow, es decir angosta; ojalá pudieran especificar esto en la guía de tallas. 5 hours)- despite the lights on the case saying theyre fully charged, theyll unexpectedly turn off within the first few minutes of the 3rd use- placement of "pause" & "play" buttons on the ear pieces are frustrating. Are they Bose? No. gant tech prep pique (some on carpet and some on hard floors) I do not think they are terribly hard like some are saying. I’ve only worn once, but no problems.
gant tech prep pique