Wore them for about 15 days on a three week trip and was happy until the stitching started unraveling in four different locations. I like Anker’s stuff and this is no exception. g by guess loop My son requested this for Christmas. I owned many 10. g by guess loop CCA-C10 ($46) vs RevoNext RX8S ($37):The RX8S probably comes closest to the sound of the C10 of those listed here. g by guess loop Zumindest hat sich meine Frau über ihre neuen Schuhe gefreut …In Summe schöne und wertige Badelatschen - für mich aber mit zu enger Lasche. If you want a genuine great replacement for your ps4 mono mic head set, this is a great option You can see in the attached photo that the beige inner plastic has a huge crack and there are also small hairline cracks forming on the outside, metallic plastic part. g by guess loop Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, der Anker Soundcore Life Q30 ist bis auf die Telefonie ein wirklich gut gelungener Kopfhörer. I think he may actually give me a challenge now.
g by guess loop