Мужской светло-серый хлопковый свитшот KENZO — купить за 21450 руб. в интернет-магазине ЦУМ, арт. FA65SW1104XJ
These shoes are my favorite! For the price paid I’d say that they are a great value. fa65sw1104xj The waistband is pretty high on a short person, well above my belly button, but it’s still comfortable! I still listen to music with it. fa65sw1104xj Theyre very light and comfortable on my big head. fa65sw1104xj Thankfully Amazon exchanged it without quibble but still not great for a £70 price tag ! Shipping was excellent, product quality was surprisingly awesome, and it just works But they dont last long, so again, I think they are too expensive. fa65sw1104xj Would highly recommend to anyone looking for a quick and easy upgrade to their mouse. i could hardly get my foot in with a sock.