Мужской светло-серый хлопковый свитшот KENZO — купить за 21450 руб. в интернет-магазине ЦУМ, арт. FA65SW1104XJ
I must say a big "THANK YOU" to the seller. Still $150+ for this and being able to take it off when I want beats getting violated by a mechanic for $1000+ installing a custom railing system lol. fa65sw1104xj The tongue has a pull up tab but the heel needs a shoe horn, works better. The grip is as strong as the day I put them up. fa65sw1104xj the top criss-cross strap on the right shoe. fa65sw1104xj Battery life is really good. I only tried them on and had to return. I listen to a lot of rap and dubstep, and I used to have the equalizer louder on the highs and the lows for the Sonys and I thought it sounded awesome. fa65sw1104xj Genial de una utilidad muy buena ,material resistente, el secreto es instalarlo bien con el taladro , tornillos y taquetes adecuados que ya los incluye. I went camping and they were beyond perfect, the arch support is great and the shoe is so comfortable for walking.