They fit true to size and look great on. Risultato: dopo qualche giorno di utilizzo agli sparatutto i minorenni e bambinetti mi falciano ancora come prima (poi magari loro giocano col joypad e non ho ancora capito come facciano a giocare agli sparatutto col joypad, boh), non è cambiato niente, mi viene ancora la bile e vorrei distruggere la tastiera e monitor come nei video di Youtube, questo mouse non mi ha salvato dalla vecchiaia che avanza e riflessi che ormai sono quelli di un anziano che come quando gli capita di inciampare per strada dlx highland down parka 2 out of the 6 spice racks are messed up one has a notch on it so the side bracket wont fully go in the other isnt even drilled out wtf??? Definitely not worth the money if it was cheaper yea I would understand but this is lousy production for this kinda product to get by I want my money back or atleast some money back for these defective racks not cool at all do not buy Very pretty but way too narrow for my feet😔 dlx highland down parka It also comes with an attachment to screw it on the bike which is very handy. dlx highland down parka Overall cute useful device, but it might be a mixed bag. These are still very good but for me anyway, the cloudx offer better value for money. The problem is the metal circles that you are supposed to use you hang the rack on the wall are not flush with the back of the rack and are way too big to actually use mounting because when you screw it in, it pops right off the screw because the screws are way too small for those holes. dlx highland down parka The insole is well cushioned, and I like that. Well made, comfortable easy to putOn and take off considerating they don’t have shoe laces or zippers.
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