so so so hard) to sell us, like the half wit Alexa, "who" doesnt understand the word "television", you have to say "TV", I guess computers are as smart as their programmers :/. -The J-Hooks and Spotter arms are simple to adjust and solid quality. airforce 1 1800 Perfect nude wedge for work or cocktail occasions. I ordered these for a beach trip and they were perfect. airforce 1 1800 They also fold up into themselves nicely so they can easily fit in a briefcase or bag, which is a huge plus. airforce 1 1800 The double-sided tape thats included is very strong and is holding perfectly even after repositioning it once, shortly after installation. The normal sound out of the box is great. The Airpod Pro charging case just loosely sits inside this case. airforce 1 1800 I would say this unit is an overall improvement in most areas, save for a few. Great shoe boxes 📦!
airforce 1 1800