Updated:I returned the slippers , the footbed was just too hard and my feet were in pain trying to wear them. Really great for the price. adidas adizero 6.0 I just unboxed these badboys and I am loving it. My daughter received this as a gift for Christmas. adidas adizero 6.0 The voice (on the other end of a call) has been solid and sounds normal as any other. adidas adizero 6.0 These are superb for the cost, honestly they are amazing! The kit comes with 22 couplings which is just enough to outfit only the fittings provided but does not leave any couplings left over for joining/extending any tubes or using with any additional fittings you may order separately. Hatswitches feel solid, most all buttons to too. adidas adizero 6.0 We received these today and something didnt seem right. The battery life is great too, and they charge fast enough that if you switch back and fourth with only 1 bud in, it’ll fully charge 1 bud before the other one (that your using) gets even close to dead.
adidas adizero 6.0