Criticism. On goes the quest for comfortable works shoes. aa9595 Check out the pics to see what Im talking about Und wer sich auskennt weiß, dass eine 42 genau 27 cm sind. aa9595 And based on the the way the 9 looks, I know that a 10 would have been way too long on my foot, even if the width would have been better. aa9595 These were my sons favorite shoes this summer. the ear plugs are set ,thge battery was fully charged and this one is a keeper for sure. Easy to fix - Use a spirit level to ensure you get it flat, a thin pencil to mark the screw holes, a good drill and (the provided) rawl plug and screws and it could hardly be easier to get it set up. aa9595 Theyre the color of traffic cones and the paint they use to mark your utilities before you dig. There’s no way to adjust that.