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as i never contacted them, I dont know how’s their service. 😎They are love for my feet. relogio w34 These are my second pair of these show for my little boy, I bought them last year and then again this year, they are gorgeous, real leather and fit perfectly, they are so cute. Why would Anyone want to order a mount without hardware?All I’m saying is that it should’ve at least had an OPTION to purchase it with the hardware included. relogio w34 I was a bit sceptical given the size of the head phones, but once I put them on I realized that the sound isolation was total due the over-ear design. relogio w34 Not worth buying a new one every 6 weeks when the original that came with our beats headphones lasted 6 years. Qualität sehr gut habe natürlich eine Nummer größer bestellt. Also getting the end cap off can be tough. relogio w34 I was worried about the plastic clips breaking, but they’ve been holding up really well. Just not for me.

relogio w34
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2025-04-01 03:35:56
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