Sehr schöne Farbe, mal was anderes in Alt rosa. I bought these for my father as he is having difficulty bending to tie his shoe laces and I followed the Sketchers rule of "one size down", but unfortunately even with the aid of a shoe horn, he could not get his foot in. gray asher vans Wish I had known about these when I was teaching - would have been the perfect shoe to wear while being on my feet ALL DAY! 5 ft away (while speaking at a low conversational volume). gray asher vans Wanted to keep this shoe, but it ran so much smaller than the other shoes my 4 year old has. gray asher vans The pegboards are great and the patterns are very cool. Very professional, fast I got the second pair immediately in the mail. I have bought a few cheaper pairs in the last few years but they have all ended up splitting. gray asher vans His coat is soft and smooth and he feels so much better. This is a great gaming headset with a lot of cool features.
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