The shelf is lightweight and not meant for super heavy items ( it is a shoe shelf - lets remember ). Very sturdy and easy to keep clean. craig green kontuur ii One of the shoes are kinda worn out? Thats how it looks when I receive it Update: even though I’ve washed them and worn several times, that chemical smell won’t go away (to the point where I don’t want to wear these shoes) Never had a problem like this with this style of shoe before craig green kontuur ii These are my first pair ever! craig green kontuur ii Another example of Ospreys great set of "combat" books. I’m missing too many parts I’m on complete three shelves short. It fits my gym room. craig green kontuur ii The product lights up very nicely, and look beautiful when lit! If you actually take a look head-on in a mirror, all you see are these carefully crafted metallic bars that make it look like you have two screws in the style of Frankensteins monster sticking out of your head.
craig green kontuur ii